Recent content by learner

  1. L

    Workstation + Media Center + GameStation (TV instead of CRT)

    Sorry... but... Sorry! But I got the config after posting the query.. Still I would like to hear which brand would be better and the solution to other questions I posted.
  2. L

    Workstation + Media Center + GameStation (TV instead of CRT)

    Lucky me... (may be.. may be not...) Yup! I think.. I'm lucky!! :D I was quoted the following price for.. AGP Cards XFX GeForce MX 4000 - 1750/- XFX GeForce MX 5200 - 2100/- PCI Graphics card - 4100/- Infact here is the whole quotation: Pentium D Processor - 16,750/- 945...
  3. L

    New Google Interface

    Something similar... Hi!... :D Visit :arrow: * Even this (above link) is similar to the google personalised page, a product of Microsoft. Also you may consider visiting :arrow: * Bye! :D
  4. L

    c lang prob....

    Here is your code.. the DaNcInG DoLl ViRuS I had implemented the same program long back... The uncontrolled version of this program is called "Dancing Doll", a virus! #include <stdio.h> #include <dos.h> main() { char far *screen = 0xB8000000; /* far pointers are 32-bit...
  5. L

    photo compilation

    Try this.. Hi! :D You may also consider trying... :idea: Auto Play Media Studio 6 by Indigo Rose :arrow: URL: * Had used it long back, version 5.0, allows addition of sound to pictures. May be of help to you... Bye! :D
  6. L

    EbOOK on PL/SQL

    E-Books for you... Hi! :D Enter the following search string in google : PL-SQL filetype:pdf You will find plenty of e-books available in PDF format. Hope that ends your search for PL-SQL e-book. Happy querying... :wink: Bye!
  7. L

    Any Virus?

    May be due to conflict.. Hi! :D You mentioned that you have tried many antivirus programs. The problem you are facing may be due to conflict between your current antivirus and the previously installed one(s). As already mentioned by a member, try cleaning the registry. May be you...
  8. L

    Modified xps

    Possible solution... You may try SHELL enhancers, that completely change the look and feel of your desktop. To name a few.. :idea: S/W : Talisman Desktop 2.95 :arrow: URL : * :idea: S/W : Object Dock...
  9. L

    Workstation + Media Center + GameStation (TV instead of CRT)

    Hi! to all members.. I already have a P III, 866 MHz, 128 MB SD RAM, 80 GB + 20 GB HDDs machine with a SAMSUNG DVD combo. I am currently working on a project that uses really resource hungry software (Oracle, Visual Studio 2005). (Also I will try VISTA in future.) I thought of upgrading...
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