Recent content by jivan28

  1. J

    gamers help

    anybody from pune who has myst or any other game which could run on a p4-1.8 ghz with on-board graphics, we could exchange. if yes tell on board.
  2. J

    The best graphics card below 10K

    anybody has idea about good graphic cards which are also TV tuner cards & estimated prices of them? Either ATi's or Nvidia's, also as living in pune if somebody knows which give better service, warranty?
  3. J


    anybody knows of any good pdfs or something for virtualdub for beginners.
  4. J

    norton securityworks 2005

    theravan, which site are u talking about in the shootout. Which is this site TA?
  5. J


    guys, I don't know if u read my first post carefully. It's a very simple thing I ask I need a tool which does a simple batch processing job of adding no.'s of wmv's together & the output is one big wmv similar to how the merge tool works in tmpgenc alongwith the sound. Also tmpgenc is...
  6. J

    [UPD] Vote for the Best Browser !

    guys, I use Firefox 0.10 one of the few things i like is the clean interface it has, the extensibility & the fact that its FLOSS based hence hacks are very quickly patched up if any as well as extensions are updated quite often. Also it's available across platforms so a guy like me who has a...
  7. J

    system file checker win xp

    hi guys, I know about the sfc. My question is with xpsp2 has the sfc been updated. Or something required somewhere so that all the modifications which 've been made to the system is sync. hence later on one can use this tool to point out where exactly the corruption happened.
  8. J


    hi guys, a lamer or a novice here. I use tmpgenc for stringing no. of mpg's together for mpegs. Can anyone recommend something similar to joing wmv's together?
  9. J

    norton securityworks 2005

    Sorry for the goof-up guys u're right it's Systemworks.
  10. J

    Win XP boot Screen

    my query is on the same topic in the same rein, I using some tips from somewhere was able to hide the bootskin so that dos error messages, if any could come up. Although I can tell by lookin g at the hdd sensors if something is missing people in my family can't.
  11. J

    norton securityworks 2005

    Anybody seen the new Norton Securityworks 2005. I tried to check out the screenshots but all on Norton's side they were showing were the Antivirus screenshots. I'm curious to look at Norton Speeddisk as in 2k4 it was uglier & also didn't give as much info. as Windows own defragmenter does.
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