Recent content by grendel

  1. grendel

    Sol : Dataone disconnection Problem ( Modem )

    I have my BSNL modem ON for the last 5 months and never switched it off.. never faced overheating problem. BTW Modems/Routers are designed so that it can be run 24/7
  2. grendel

    A humble plea.

    Nice Initiative Manan. Here I want to share a experience with you guys. I always make sure that my smoking doesnot cause discomfort to others, I dont smoke near women or children or elders. Other day when I was smoking near a shop when a Decent looking Women approached the shop , I was on...
  3. grendel

    Its 3:00 am in the morning & i cant sleep,know why?

    no wonder you are awake at this time ,Thats one creepy "Spider" :D go to the TV room and sleep :p good night ;)
  4. grendel

    The Whining/Complaint Thread

    +1 nuf said, you guys said whats required , enough now, lets stop
  5. grendel

    The Whining/Complaint Thread

    I must point out that there is a thread The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Inc which is ridiculously filled with off topic posts by the members and its in Q&A. where as ** Post all your BSNL Dataone Related Queries Here ** is completely filled with technical related...
  6. grendel

    Strange names

    Warnakulasuriya Patabendige Ushantha Joseph Chaminda Vaas not a strange name but a legal loooong name of Chaminda Vass :D
  7. grendel

    Gearless Scooter Suggestion

    Thanks for the reply :) honda Activa is winning :D , but I will still look into other options before purchase , How is Bajaj Kristal DTSI? On paper Kristal has better features and more power than Activa.
  8. grendel

    Gearless Scooter Suggestion

    Hi All , I need to replace my old Kinetic Honda with a new one. but im not sure which new model to go for. Honda Activa or Kinetic Nova/Blaze or HH Pleasure or the new Kinetic SYM Flite. Please share your thoughts :)
  9. grendel

    High Priced Linux Media

    @rayraven: I donot have any problem cause I have a high speed internet, Want I wanted to tell is that innocent customers may/will think this as reasonable price and buy it where as it can be ordered for free or even smaller amount. People will always find ways to milk money from free software...
  10. grendel

    Bsnl Gives Linux Dialer for Broadband In EXE File Format

    ^^ Thats just a small problem which can be fixed .. but many are not happy here because of RPM based release.
  11. grendel

    High Priced Linux Media

    I happend to visit Sapna Book house in majestic area on my recent visit to bangalore, I saw a complete row filled with different linux distrubitions ranging from Ubuntu , Fedora , Suse and others .. I was shocked to see the cost of the discs. Ubuntu 7.10 DVD was for Rs. 500. where as other were...
  12. grendel

    Bsnl Gives Linux Dialer for Broadband In EXE File Format

    whats the problem if the dialer is given in RPM format?
  13. grendel

    Internet Addiction Test - Online

    29 :)
  14. grendel

    Bsnl Gives Linux Dialer for Broadband In EXE File Format

    @All those who said BSNL engineers are stupid , idiots etc etc.. You think you can do a better job than those guys? If yes then go ahead and apply for a programer post or better keeping the FOSS spirit alive and offer them to work for free as a comunity service!!! Can you do it? And BSNL...
  15. grendel

    CubeDesktop - 3D Cube Comes for Windows

    Hello everybody, this is a windows application, Compiz fuzion is not available for windows, any one porting Compiz-fuzion to windows? Yes compiz fuzion is very advanced... this application is really nothing compared to Compiz fuzion.. but whats you problem? because its paid or a application...
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