Recent content by \/endett/\

  1. \/endett/\

    ForceWare Issues !!

    Well yeah, whatever it installed (version 6.x.x.x), but it did install there's no installation by windows(maybe overwritten by the driver i installed first) just detects and asks me to supply with the driver .inf anyways, i think the problem isnt with the drivers but with a...
  2. \/endett/\

    ForceWare Issues !!

    HI all, I got a wierd problem recently when i tried to upgrade my nVidia drivers for GeForce FX 5200. The problem is, the system doesnt boot after i restart when the installation is completed. What i did was-: 1>Uninstalled nvidia drivers from add/remove programs 2>rebooted with onboard...
  3. \/endett/\

    FS : Pentium IV 3.0 Ghz + Intel Orig. Mobo + 1GB DDR400

    no m8, i was talking abt 7800 gtx ;)
  4. \/endett/\

    FS : Pentium IV 3.0 Ghz + Intel Orig. Mobo + 1GB DDR400

    i wud buy if u put the gfx card along ;) Every1 's wanting for Core Duo eh??
  5. \/endett/\

    One thing U would love to CHANGE in LINUX?

    though its distro dependent, still, i would still insist that Linux could do with a better organization of the desktop...especially the taskbar--it really helps when u r new to something.
  6. \/endett/\

    Which is the best linux for begginers?

    Knoppix,Mandriva or xandros r the best for a beginner. Try e-books and linux forums(lots of tuts. available) on the net rather than books...
  7. \/endett/\

    Order Free Linux - All Distro!!!

    wait 4 to 6 weeks....
  8. \/endett/\

    Order Free Linux - All Distro!!!

    i wonder if they'll ship Slackware 10.2 as well. They havent mentioned it specifically. i dont think they r interested in shipping other distros/lack of demands thqqts led them to put up only a few distros specifically.
  9. \/endett/\

    Best softwares u have ever used ????

    some did ;)
  10. \/endett/\

    [merged]Serial Blasts In Mumbai

    Re: Serial Blasts In Mumbai OMG... look at the pics,the bombs ripped off the compartments.. 7 is huge.... And now the GOI wakes up and sounds red alert... its not PAK to be blamed,nor the terrorists, but the FCUKING goverment and security we have
  11. \/endett/\

    UT 2007:The most awaited game

    Good, UT is the best...i just love the pace and simplicity of the game. UT 2k4 was a total disaster... The vid of UT 2k7 wasnt much impressive, looked quite like 2k4(the weapons and player model)...i hope the gameplay isnt that way.
  12. \/endett/\

    Restore sys files in XP+SP2

    repair after booting from installation CD (winxp+sp2)
  13. \/endett/\

    C++ compiler problem

    yes, it does work under XP...i dunno which version..but it does Second thing, the problem isnt with NOT WORKING, its with faulty working. AFAIK, TC++ doesnt come with an installation setup...its just copy-paste-and-run. Maybe some file is corrupted, tryt getting another copy and use it :)...
  14. \/endett/\

    Best softwares u have ever used ????

    best sw >>firefox >>trillian pro >>dev c++ >>borland c++ builder 6 >>soft ice >>dreamweaver >>kav 6 >>azureus >>everest 2.8 >>stardock suite >>power archiver 2006 and winUHA best OS >>win xp >>gentoo 2006
  15. \/endett/\

    is 7-8 kbps max speed of limewire downlod????(for a 64 kbps connection)

    Yeah, i know of that tweak that, modifies TCPip.sys... Its effect for me atleast
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