Recent content by chajjjed

  1. chajjjed

    Is Ulead Dvd Factory does't support usb camcords

    Hi.. I had recently purchased Panasonic NV-GS 180 DV Cam. I can capture video from it by windows movie maker. But I want to use Ulead DVD Movie Factory 4.0. But it does not recognise the DV CAM . IT requires it to be connected through IEEE1394 port. what should I do?
  2. chajjjed

    Do any body suggest me a solution

    I got a P4-1.7, D845WN, 128 SDRAM, 40GB, with Win 98 in C: and Win XP in D: partition.I use a Foxpro based My own programme for accounts. I had modified the MsDos.sys file with "BootGUI=0" and the autoexec.bat file contains a single line for starting the Foxpro Accounts program.The...
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