Recent content by bruce_wayne_16

  1. B

    Need buying advice

    2 gb ddr2 RAM.. heard of CORSAIR brand 2... well i want 2 GB RAM to run Vista on my machine n other applications...
  2. B

    Need buying advice

    lol.. no reply yet.. Common guys.. help me out yaar
  3. B

    Need buying advice

    Hi frnds, I am looking forward to buy the following. Could you please give the quotations for each and which company shd i go 4?? I reside in Mumbai.. In case u feel like givng my ny additional advice plz continue.. 1. Planning to get Xbox 360 Elite.. Ny views on it.. compared to PS3 2...
  4. B

    Mobile for females

    ok guys... finally bought da samsung u600 4 my mom... thanks alot for helping me out.. cheers!!!
  5. B

    Is N73ME Worth Buying???

    hey guys.. can u let me know the sites from whr u download free softwares for nokia n73 ME..
  6. B

    Mobile for females

    hey guys.. thanks alot 4 ur responses... i hd tght bout samsung u600 2... hmm wonder hw i missed it.. nyways wud choose frm samsung u600 n SE Z610.... wat bout N91 ??? bt it looks kinda bulkier...
  7. B

    Mobile for females

    Hi guys... well wanted 2 gift my mom a new cell on her bday... bt cudnt decide.... first tght bot gifting da motorola rozr Z6.. nw m thinking bout Nokia N73 ME I 2 hv da Nokia N73 ME ... n as is a gr8 fone.. bt den both will hv da same fone... cud u plz suggest me wat wud b...
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    kk thanks 4 da help.. i guess im gonna zero in on N73 ME.. hey hs any1 tried making nokia N73ME into IE ??
  9. B


    kk thanks alot. n 1 more thing i heard da mobile rates are gonna slash down in da new budget. is it true? if yes hw long shd i wait b4 da new prices are implemented
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    well can any1 help me out.. any1 who hs compared da music n camera bwet da 2 phones
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    hello.. hey u dint tell y wud u go 4 N73ME ppl plz help me out..
  12. B


    well im looking for a new smartphone.. i hv narrowed my choices to 2 phones.. Nokia N73 ME SE p 990i i guess thr sum latest version update for SE too.. im looking 4 da following features: 1. Really Gud audio playback.. so dat using a 3rd party appln hopefully it can substitue my...
  13. B

    Battle of the PDA's in my Head

    hmmn now im tempted to buy da hp 6828.. reviews seems gud n hp after sales service is gud. dats wat i hv heard.. well guys if i need to put da extra GPS hardware n s/w to da 6828. wud dat b better n cheaper or wud it b better gng 4 da in built gps receiver in the newer models. wat wud b da...
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    best cellphone around 7K

    i agree wit krazyfrog.. its a cool slim phone wit gud features @ an attractive price tag
  15. B

    Battle of the PDA's in my Head

    well i ws thinking whether thr was a s/w avialable to make da PDA a GPS reciever 2..
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