Recent content by babumoshaaye

  1. babumoshaaye

    Let's figure out what happens in Avengers: Infinity War

    Galactus will eventually make his way into the MCU. Marvel Studios will have all the rights to themselves by 2019. Essentially, X-men: Dark Phoenix is the last Marvel movie from Fox.
  2. babumoshaaye

    Let's figure out what happens in Avengers: Infinity War

    Here's a compilation of all the scenes from the orange planet. I plan on doing more of these.
  3. babumoshaaye

    Let's figure out what happens in Avengers: Infinity War

    The following is one of the first videos that was shown to the public attending the D23 expo. Several scenes haven't been shown yet. There's a scene where Thanos pulls down a moon using the Power Stone on the orange planet. Probably the first display of the stone's power (lol). This is...
  4. babumoshaaye

    The Photography Thread

    Nagpur is great for bird photography. You have a good lens, so you should definitely check out Gorewada forest and Ambazari backwaters as they are rich in different species of birds.
  5. babumoshaaye

    The Photography Thread

    We'll be closing down entries by tomorrow. Make sure you guys send over your stuff ideally by tonight.
  6. babumoshaaye

    The Photography Thread

    Good to see this thread alive and kicking with brilliant shots. For the next month's issue (July), we are planning on featuring few of you guys in our Community section of Digit magazine. You might have figured by now that we are doing something around "photography" this time and we want to fill...
  7. babumoshaaye

    [Contest] Challenge #5 = Your all-time favourite games?

    The first four games from the Assassin's Creed franchise have been my absolute favourite. And I guess we all know about Digit Team's favourite game. Hint: Rush B.
  8. babumoshaaye

    The darkest material on earth

    Batman's next upgrade. As for real world use, there are several sectors where it can be used especially equipment susceptible to or rather sensitive to incident light. For instance, the interiors of cameras and telescopes. Coating Vantablack in the interiors will restrict light to stray away...
  9. babumoshaaye

    The darkest material on earth

    Makers of the darkest material on earth, Vantablack have created a darker material using the same carbon nanotube surface used in the previous version. In fact, the new material is so dark that the spectrometers couldn't measure the percentage of light absorbed. The previous material was capable...
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