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Sith Lord
Staff member
eh some subreddits are awesome
/r/cleganebowl! get hype! valar hypeghulis! what is hype may never die! all men must hype!

- - - Updated - - -

PS TIL, in Mysore there is a Ganesha that works just like Thor's Mjolnir
Apparently, you ask a question, and try to lift the Ganesha idol. If the answer is yes, it lifts, if the answer is no, it cannot be lifted!
can anyone confirm?


Sith Lord
Staff member
No. No. No. No true fan will contemplate him dying. So horrible. :(
cmon guys, he is just 67, healthy, and doing so much good work for the fantasy community.


Sith Lord
Staff member
Well, all speculative fiction. He does write a lot of sci fi as well, and he himself has said he gets bored when a work nears completion. He does have a life outside of ASoIaF/GoT. After the hugo awards puppygate scandal (some authors were disqualified because they campaigned with cute puppy pictures), he organised an awards ceremony for the authors who would have won if puppygate would not have happened, and gave them awards he comissioned with trophies made of vintage car parts. How awesome is that? He reads excerpts from upcoming books to fans at various conventions.
Just let him do his thing, we will get our two books, no worries.

More worried about two books worth of ASoIaF stories that were left out of the already released books. Hope that material sees the light of day some time.


Wise Old Owl
I think its because i was on TDF and then went to Reddit ,yesterday posted first thread in Reddit and banned for no reason !!
Reddit is very strict with rules. Each individual sub has its own set of rules in addition to the global rules.

You need to go through them again. Try to contact the moderator. You may get an explanation.


okay sorry about that, i didnt mean to say it in that way.. Im just too impatient to get the next book, there's still no release date :/


Reddit is very strict with rules. Each individual sub has its own set of rules in addition to the global rules.

You need to go through them again. Try to contact the moderator. You may get an explanation.
There is a saying "Too much of anything is not good" IDK if translated correctly:p
and i'm extremely fine with TDF


Sith Lord
Staff member
okay sorry about that, i didnt mean to say it in that way.. Im just too impatient to get the next book, there's still no release date :/
yes, so many of us are impatient. But, the fan community are so busy enjoying discussing and theorizing also, now the last two books are a wrap up, which would kind of start ending all the figuring out.

TIL ancient India is missing two genres when compared to ancient Greece.
India has no Histories, and we do not have tragedies


Sith Lord
Staff member
we have epics... and scientific journals
* nothing similar here
* Nope

possibly because we are too old fashioned for these new fangled ideas
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