Photo Projects - Practical Approach


Aspiring Novelist
It gone through heavy editing. But most of them were in the ground where the paddy fields are. Comparing with the jpeg, sky lost the blue tint and got green (coz I increased the hue "green" to get the field greener.)


Nac: that is a pretty cool shot. Although if you are using light room it would have been a better idea to increase the saturation for green rather than giving the entire image a green hue. Also there are visible green artificts on the image. I guess that comes from over processing it. If you want then just attach the RAW here and maybe we can give it a shot?


Aspiring Novelist
Thanks for the tip Amlan, I didn't thought of that when applying GND filter.

And sorry... I thought sky got the green tint because of hue. But it's not... It's better call it as "heavy editing"... Choice of WB coupled with Vibrance and saturation.

I am attaching the RAW file.
CRW_3015 - Download - 4shared


In the zone
few from me. Comments are welcome :)

[url=*]* Serene by NikhileshSharma, on Flickr[/URL]

another one

Kanyakumari Pics by NikhileshSharma, on Flickr


Aspiring Novelist
Nikku, Nice work :thumbs:

How was the "Trip to South India"? I hope you have lot more to share than these two photographs... :)


Aspiring Novelist
I gave it a try, I can't get a result anywhere as good as you did.
Probably, I gone crazy with the editing.
Glad you say my work (PP) is good (Really???) *


Grand Master
I too tried to edit your pic...but really what you edited nac is awesome :D ...I could not come even close ;)

CRW_301511222 by sujoypackrasy, on Flickr


@nikku: that boat pic is amazing. The colors and shades are amazing, it's a little underexposed though

@nac: here is my attempt. A little noisy, but I guess that was given considering how much I tried to push the exposure in PP.


And a version which looks a bit more natural



Project: Golden hour photography

Finally got some decent sunlight today. Here is one image, I have a couple of others will see if any of them are worth putting up.

Bottling some sunlight by Amlan Mathur, on Flickr


I guess this one can be in both the golden hour and the bokeh project (am getting super lazy)

Of lights and handicrafts by Amlan Mathur, on Flickr
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