Refusal to pay for apps/software


BMG ftw!!
As long as availability is an issue (which happen to most of the pirated software) piracy will be here.


Piracy is a byproduct of Availability and Affordability. I buy PC games, use free software (used pirated earlier), buy Indian movies (since moserbaer entered Indian movie business) but pirate International movies. Suppose i want to watch a French or Korean or some other language movie, it is not to be seen anywhere. Even the available ones may be highly edited by someone who thinks (after watching the movie) that the viewer is a retard, he wouldn't be able to watch its content, so lets edit it; while we can get the full movie at our fingertips (FOR FREE). And piracy has nothing to do with Indian culture. There are people who use pirated stuff in the US, UK, other European countries, even in Liverpool. Software/Movie piracy wasn't even started by Indians. Indians may not have civic sense, may not have respect for laws but Indian culture has nothing to do with piracy.


Whompy Whomperson
I always try to buy originals, and try to make others purchase too(I got my cousin this habit too). But for some games/softwares that require credit card for purchase, I feel sorry and have to pirate them as I don't have access to a CC. However, I got a minecraft account after playing for months on pirated one because I really liked that game. Playing pirated games invokes a feeling of doing something wrong, don't know why.

Eg a person in Mcdonalds in india earns 40/hour and can not afford an BIG Mac.A person in usa earns 360/hour.He can afford around 2 big macs.
This is not my calculation but it came in Times of india.
Same goes with a maid who works abroad she can easily earn 150-1200/daily compared to indias 50-100/daily.

I maybe wrong, but:
"150-2000", I assume this is in Rupees. In dollars they are $3-$20. What do you think you can do by it? Or do you expect them to come to India to spend that money?


Sith Lord
Staff member
the S3 has a little apk transfer app
it works like this, you select a list of programs, and you can send em all together
Speaking about games :
Move to steam sales, save bucks for retail.

Speaking about software on desktop os:
move to open source software and OS. Now that steam is coming to linux , there is a chance the windows craze will end. If games were on linux, I would've never bothered about windows.

Speaking about software on Nazi Platform like "iOS"

Frankly speaking, I will pay for games but I never ever feel like paying for software. But at the end of the day, I would do anything to get my job done, by hook or by crook.
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Sith Lord
Staff member
You don’t know how lucky you are: Stop complaining about in-app purchases | ExtremeTech

Why are users so unwilling to spend a few dollars on what is clearly an excellent game? Frankly, I think we’re complacent — we’ve all forgotten just how good we have it.

Most people in their early 20′s or younger have probably never set foot in an games arcade. Or if they have, it was a novelty — a special occasion. For the slightly older set, this is just how we played high-end games. You would saunter up to that big arcade cabinet with a pocketful of quarters, and you would pay for the privilege of playing the game. If you died, you used real money to make an “in-game purchase” for more lives.

In the mid 90s, arcades started to go away as home game consoles got cheaper and faster. Somewhere along the line, we forgot how much money you could blow just playing a game. When you look at the way Dead Trigger responsibly manages in-app purchases, it’s an unparalleled good deal. You can buy all the gear you could want and play for many hours — longer than it would take to beat most other mobile games.


Sith Lord
Staff member
Battle Dungeon - Home

Unfortunately we have taken Battle Dungeon down for the forseeable future. This was due to high levels of server load created by large numbers of pirated copies of the game. The high load revealed technical issues which we don't feel we can fix to the level that our paying customers deserve.

very good job pirates


Firecracker to the moon
I always try to buy originals, and try to make others purchase too(I got my cousin this habit too). But for some games/softwares that require credit card for purchase, I feel sorry and have to pirate them as I don't have access to a CC. However, I got a minecraft account after playing for months on pirated one because I really liked that game. Playing pirated games invokes a feeling of doing something wrong, don't know why.

I maybe wrong, but:
"150-2000", I assume this is in Rupees. In dollars they are $3-$20. What do you think you can do by it? Or do you expect them to come to India to spend that money?

I read that in TOI, It said a Person in MC there earns 6$/Hr so he works 8 hours in a day = around 64$.
Things like games are priced higher there, But still other things are equal to or less than the prices of India, and the "quality" and "quantity" of those things(food etc) are better


Whompy Whomperson
I read that in TOI, It said a Person in MC there earns 6$/Hr so he works 8 hours in a day = around 64$.
Things like games are priced higher there, But still other things are equal to or less than the prices of India, and the "quality" and "quantity" of those things(food etc) are better

This contradicts with what you said in previous post. :|
Also, I don't blindly trust newspapers. Just a bunch of idiots writing whatever they want, without proper research about the truth. :x


Firecracker to the moon
This contradicts with what you said in previous post. :|
Also, I don't blindly trust newspapers. Just a bunch of idiots writing whatever they want, without proper research about the truth. :x

Nop bro it's true, Almost everyone even a maid gets thripple daily wages in countrys like UAE,USA etc.
A maid can easily get 50-100 Dhs-600 Rs/Day.:D


But whatever Buying original is good, why?
Safe from trojans,keyloggers
You'll get updates
Your supporting the developers

But why are so many games priced above 1k :( not many can get them.

So Freaking True!!

I don't know how to explain my friend DRM,CD-KEY crap
So he's my gta 4, I said i can't give cause it wont work in your computer as it's activated in my PC.
He's telling me to pass my social id too along with it, which i won't

X 0 N 0 D E

Broken In
Haven't obviously read all 11 pages, but a very good thread I must say. I don't know where to start. It is moral vs immoral, honest vs dishonest perspective and all that.

I have, till date, not paid for a single software. I will be honest, I can't & don't want to.
Why? Cost of living.
Have u observed, that all those propagating the view that people in US are paying for the software, are missing two points:

1. In the US, the cost of living is not this high (AFAIK)

2. The Govt supports the common man waaayyyy more than our beloved Govt.

3. They have many schemes going on when it comes to phones.

4. And lastly, how do we know there is no piracy there? In fact, most leaks happen THERE and come down here. THEY torrent softwares/games and we just download it.

I may be wrong, but these are my opinions.


Sith Lord
Staff member
why buy the device then not pay for the apps?
you dont steal a loaf of bread every morning
even in jhopdis and footpath hutments, if you can afford satellite tv, you can easily afford apps
app piracy puts load on the producer in such a way that the apps dont exist anymore

X 0 N 0 D E

Broken In
why buy the device then not pay for the apps?
you dont steal a loaf of bread every morning
even in jhopdis and footpath hutments, if you can afford satellite tv, you can easily afford apps
app piracy puts load on the producer in such a way that the apps dont exist anymore

I agree, but hey, don't forget, if i am ripping someone off, someone is ripping me off too.
It's that simple.

See this:

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Super Moderator
Staff member
1. In the US, the cost of living is not this high (AFAIK)
Wrong. Cost of living in USA is much much higher compared to India.

2. The Govt supports the common man waaayyyy more than our beloved Govt.
Not related with the topic.

Any one who can buy a Rs. 60K laptop can spend a couple of grands on software. Anyone who spends Rs. 500 on a pizza can spend Rs. 50 on two-three mobile apps.


Whompy Whomperson
If you can't purchase a software, why not to opt for its open-source alternative? Ofcourse, games are not in this category but what about OS, Office Suites etc?


No highs, No lows = Bose.
Wrong. Cost of living in USA is much much higher compared to India.

But relatively, cost of living is still low. They earn much more than they spend.

Example compare an engineers life here and there -
An engineer here on average earns ~ 5-10 lakhs p.a and spends more than half of it and maybe saves 2-3 lakhs at the end of the year.
An engineer there on average earns ~20-25 lakhs and spends more than half of it and may be saves 9-10 lakhs at the end of the year.

Not to mention the US guy who will have spent ~10-12 lakhs on his living will be living a far better lifestyle and saving thrice compared to the Indian.
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Any one who can buy a Rs. 60K laptop can spend a couple of grands on software. Anyone who spends Rs. 500 on a pizza can spend Rs. 50 on two-three mobile apps.

^^ little :censored: like these get me mad. they will brag that they partied in the hilton, but when it comes to software, they wont even spare a single paisa.
same thing with the rich middle-aged women. some of them will stop their merc in the middle of the road i front of a hawker and start haggling like she is in the middle of the Great Depression.

:censored:, if you can drive around in a merc, you most certainly can pay 5 extra bucks for those potatoes.

i say tax the rich. and add a "tech" tax to those who have a smartphone, proceeds go to charity.

red dragon

Master troll
But relatively, cost of living is still low. They earn much more than they spend.

Example compare an engineers life here and there -
An engineer here on average earns ~ 5-10 lakhs p.a and spends more than half of it and maybe saves 2-3 lakhs at the end of the year.
Engineers make a lot more here!
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