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Cyborg Agent
I had just got VMWare Workstation 5.5 the latest version. I want to know that is it safe to install it on my main PC or should I try this one on another PC. And also help me how to use it.


The Mighty Unkel!!!
Staff member
Please give your PC configuration . You require more ram and a good processor for VMWARE to work well.


18 Till I Die............
It is safe to use on your main PC. But, if you don't have good RAM forget it. I had tried to install it on my linux system with 256 MB of RAM and it was too slow after powering up. I can't tell yuo further as I couldn't go any further as few of my hardware wasn't detected and then I never gave it another try.


Cyborg Agent
I have 320MB system RAM and 64 MB shared, My processor is AMD Athlon 64 2800+ on A gigabyte motherboard having VIA K8M800 chipset.


18 Till I Die............
Well you can go on and try it out but I guess the amount of RAM will be a problem but am not so sure. Nothing wrong it giving it a try. If it works then great.


18 Till I Die............
latest version of VMWare does support 64 bits so I guess it should work. Best of luck and do post back the results.


Cyborg Agent
320 MB RAM is too short. It will work, but with a pain. You'll feel installing XP on a machine with 64 MB RAM. Don't try it unless you've atleast 512 MB RAM, 1 GB is recommended.


Cyborg Agent
Onew more question if I install it will it affect the host operating ststem's performance i.e., when vmware will not be running and does it gets uninstalled easily.


18 Till I Die............
Its just another software so once closed, it won't affect your computer at all. I guess its unistallation will be easy enough.


Cyborg Agent
OK I installed the latest version of VMware Workstation 5.5.1 on my PC it worked fine but It is not allowing me to install any 64 bit guest operating system. My PC is AMD Athlon 64 2800+ processor and my host OS is Windows XP x64 Edition. Help me


can anyone shed more light on what VMware is and what can it be used for


Cyborg Agent
VMware Workstation software consists of a virtual machine suite for Intel x86-compatible computers which allows the creation and execution of multiple x86 virtual computers simultaneously. Each virtual machine instance can execute its own guest operating system, such as (but not limited to) Windows, Linux, and BSD variants. In simple terms, VMware Workstation allows one physical machine to run numerous operating systems simultaneously. Other VMware products help manage or migrate VMware virtual machines across multiple host machines.

VMware Workstation has grown in popularity due to the large number of servers proliferating in the corporate setting. Transferring workstations and servers to the virtual machine environment allows for easier management, a reduction in footprint and greater redundancy.


Cyborg Agent
I am trying to install windows98 in WMWARE 5.0.x but am unable to do, its I think not able to detect the disk because when I tried installation it shows that only virtual RAM disk is created and no hardisk ws detected !!

Any light on this issue ?


Did you allocate disk space before installing the guest OS? Here's a tutorial for installing Windows 98 in VMWare.


Vmware is a nice tool to keep on checking differnet OSes whenever I have time. Neways I have 512 MB RAM and I can atmost run 2 guest OSs simultaneously totalling to 256 MB RAM. As far as I remember VMWARE doesnt support instaling 64 bit guest OSs though it can be installed on a 64 bit machine. So u have no choice but install 32 bit guest OSs.

The new VMWARE is improved. Allocating space like 5 GB is done in default dynamic way. SO that wheneva u put some things in the OS it size on disk will increase dynamically and wont be static!

@RICKY : INstalling win98 needs 2 things first.
1. put up a start up disk, run fdisk,partition it (single or several)!
2. format the partition with "format c:". Win98 shud install now.
3. Still there's another command something like "sys c:" I forgot. It is used to bring DOS system on the disk so that u can boot into DOS system wheneva u boot the machine.

After this just proceed normally with installing 98! Neways VMWARE is fun. :)


^^Nops, its not actually free! Its available for 45 days trial (* . Neways, yea Most windows users format their PC's after every month. So its literally free for them.:D

Also Virtual PC has got less options than VMWARE like support for number of guest OSes.
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