Questionnaire for IEM and headphones


Geek in making
Questionnaire for IEM and headphones
Please fill the following before asking any query in this section of forum.

Try to avoid queries like " I need best IEM and all"

1) What is your budget? (INR or USD)

2) What gear will you connect it to?
3) What are the primary tasks will you be performing with this audio gear?

4) Any typical model in your mind you're eying for ?

5) Which brand and gear you are using right now?
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The Incinerator

Human Spambot
First Question should have been what kind of music do you listen to? Secondly What gear will you connect it to?
Thirdly and most Importantly whats the budget.Three questions that does it all.


In the zone
there was one in existence ........*
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