ProtoPage - is it just another personalised webpage?

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Šupər♂ - 超人
I'm a self-confessed NetViber... since the time it was released.. i was goin on adding as many feeds as possible in its ajax interface as possible to ease my life into bein in tune with the rest of the world.

And.. it works.. pretty good...

Then I got some better news. Another kid in the highly competetive ajax-homepages block, one that's posed to knock the shoes (or is it the brains) off the others.. Protopage.

NetVibes was sufficient (in fact more than sufficient) for my day-today needs. PageFlakes too could hold up most competition. And not to forgot the much publized big guns - Microsoft's, Yahoo's MyYahoo & Google's iGoogle.

Protopage is easy to setup.. kute & kool... fun... colorful... and just that added fun to personalize a page. It’ll house your widgets, gadgets and web services too, like the others.

I came across it as a personalization page for cartoons & that sorta material. But discovered a wide plethora of feeds (they call 'em gadgets). My personal Ajax desktop that lets me move items around on the page with a simple drag and drop, with a unique UI & widget-like interactivity using custom HTML!

Protopage offers more than 270 widgets (preview the widgets before adding them, an internal RSS feed reader for viewing news articles as well as cartoon feeds, video podcasts, and audio podcasts tabs “out of the box”. There's even a search box with 750 preloaded search engines. And if you are a little web savvy, you can add any search engine you like. Protopage supports most popular browsers - IE 7/6, Firefox 2/1.5, Opera 9, Safari 2, and even viewing in Nintendo Wii.

I especially liked the rich text note (sticky), which allows me save direct html & pics & links etc from other pages. That was a new one for me. Others gave me only simple text, no color/pictures.

You can keep your page private, make it public, or set a group password so that you can share parts of it with specific friends or colleagues.
Your page is organized into tabs, and your tabs are grouped into categories. Whether your tabs are shared or not depends on the category those tabs are in. Editing categories and setting sharing options is a bit complicated, unfortunately.

There are many more personalizers (as i call them).. but I just dont feel like dippin my toes into every pool I come across (for fear of a swamp instead :D) nad am quite content with my present duo of NetVibes & Protopage.
Now, takin into account the rising trend of company mergers, could I get a merger among these two?

I would also like to mention my earlier fav.. Goowy, which is flash-based (read.. huge resource hugger :D).. it was kool... with nice graphics & a huge storage & email space then. But where's the API? :(


Šupər♂ - 超人
Entertainment & Tech ones though...

The page.. errr.. Protopage looked bad 2 me the first time i used it. Then again it grew on me & now... it's my second personalization option.

As mentioned b4.. Netvibes is a lil bit slower & also lesser interactive. This Protopage is dead-easy to customize & cute to look @
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Thanks to this thread, I'm now aware of personalised webpages... Netvibes was unknown to me until yesterday.. and I'm already getting used to netvibes..


Šupər♂ - 超人
:( NetVibes... try ProtoPage too yaar. I do agree NetVibes is good. But u should really encourage the ones-who-wanna-be-the-best too.
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