problems with azureus...

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Senior Member
i'am new to torrents.... my downloads dont start, i get a scrape error:connection refused:connect.
i have switched off the windows XP firewall. but still this error....
and if i do a NAT/Firewall test it shows a NAT to fix this probleM?
I 'am not d/l ding anything illegal...only legal torrents....

edit: i also get this msg from azureus sometimes- you have a firewall/router. plese check that you have port 6881 UDP open. -an error like that


Cyborg Agent
# Go to *

# Scroll down and click on a link called : SheildsUP!

# On next page, click "Proceed"

# Now, in the obtained page, there is a table named "ShieldsUP!! Services" with various buttons saying "File Sharing, Common Ports, etc etc". Write "6881-6889" in the text box there and Press Enter.

# Wait for scan to complete.

# If any or all the ports are found "closed" in the result, then it means your ISP firewall is restricting you from using those ports. They are closed for you.
You better take a look at THIS page.

# If they're open, then you need to configure your bittorrent client properly.



Senior Member
@alib_i - i scanned and the results say no ports are open or close...they display a "stealth" status. also beside them is this msg-"Unknown Protocol for this port
Unknown Application for this port". what does "stealth" mean? how to open them?

@hack expert...yeah man it happens to all torrents..


Cyborg Agent
stealth mode implies a firewall, you wont be able to connect to torrents directly.. your ISP has forbidden it.
Dont worry about the unknown protocol thing ... it's just that the website doesnt know which protocol uses those ports. Not a problem for you or me.

You can connect using tunneling, more funda in the following thread :



I am using azureus for months now & faced the similar problems 2-3 times.
When i checked the port it says NAT error so i change my port to some other value & check it till it gives ok status after port is configured just start your download after 2-3 hrs of delay your download will start working
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