In the zone
I am a rapidshare Premium User.My download log in the Rapidshare website shows more than what I have actually downloaded.When I sent a mail to Rapidshare about this,they sent me this mail
"please note that if you are using a download manager that makes split or multi
thread downloads the traffic may fallout higher.Since some program are poorly programmed they will not only download one part,but will download the entire file again and again.
We suggest to check the settings of your download manager. You should download
the files in only one part.Downloading with a web browser will not cause any unnecessary traffic."
In my IDM settings the default "No of Connections" is 8.According to the mail i changed it to 1.But the problem is that I am getting only low speeds of 13-15 KBPS.When the "No Of Connections is 8" i am getting speeds of 250-300 KBPS.I usually put 30-42 files at a time and I am getting average speed of 270 KBPS(when no of conn is 8).What will be my speed If I change the "no of conn to 1" or if I use webbrowser to download.I am having a 2mbps connection.
I am a rapidshare Premium User.My download log in the Rapidshare website shows more than what I have actually downloaded.When I sent a mail to Rapidshare about this,they sent me this mail
"please note that if you are using a download manager that makes split or multi
thread downloads the traffic may fallout higher.Since some program are poorly programmed they will not only download one part,but will download the entire file again and again.
We suggest to check the settings of your download manager. You should download
the files in only one part.Downloading with a web browser will not cause any unnecessary traffic."
In my IDM settings the default "No of Connections" is 8.According to the mail i changed it to 1.But the problem is that I am getting only low speeds of 13-15 KBPS.When the "No Of Connections is 8" i am getting speeds of 250-300 KBPS.I usually put 30-42 files at a time and I am getting average speed of 270 KBPS(when no of conn is 8).What will be my speed If I change the "no of conn to 1" or if I use webbrowser to download.I am having a 2mbps connection.