Phpbb error

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- Snake -

Broken In
I am now able to fetch out posts from my forum with they come out with an error... can anyone help!

link to page with error *
- Snake -

- Snake -

Broken In
let me show you the code I am using:


<meta name="Content" content="Operating System, C++, C, Tutorials, Programs">
<meta name="Author" content="Codemaster Snake (Neeraj Kumar)">
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function date()
 function makeArray()
  for (i = 0; i<makeArray.arguments.length; i++)
  this[i + 1] = makeArray.arguments[i];
 var months = new makeArray('January','February','March','April','May','June', 'July','August','September','October','November','December');
 var date = new Date();
 var day = date.getDate();
 var month = date.getMonth() + 1;
 var yy = date.getYear();
 var year = (yy < 1000) ? yy + 1900 : yy;
 document.write(day + " " + months[month] + "' " + year);

function search()
  alert("Enter Some Text To be Found In Search Box!");
  gsearch.searchbox.value="Google Search!";
    squery="*" + gsearch.searchbox.value + " site:" + "&meta=";
 else squery="*" + gsearch.searchbox.value + "&meta=";;
 gsearch.searchbox.value="Google Search!"; 

function animate(tdval)
{ = "#FAFAFB";

function unanimate(tdval)
{ = "";

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          To Magneto's Homepage


          [/b]Welcome to [b]Magneto[/b]'s website! At last my OS got it's permanent 
          name (previously [b]koolOS[/b]).... I don't know why I have chosen this 
          name but I am happy with it and won't is it ever again (I'll try to). 
          Now that I had named my OS and completed this website, I now can get back 
          to work and develop [b]Magneto[/b]. It's still in it's stages of development 
          and it's going on pretty well and it is taking shape of a real operating 
          system. I will release [b]Magneto[/b]'s next version very soon! So, Keep 
          checking back for release.

          It will be a command line Operating System just like [b]MS-DOS[/b] And
          [b]FreeDOS[/b] (for the time being). I am making a GUI for it but it will 
          take a long time for that. It uses text mode of 80x25 resolution. 
          It also display a (stupid) graphics welcome and good bye screen when you 
          start it and shut it. It uses VGA mode 0x13 (or 13h) for that. In future 
          it will support many more resolutions!

          I want to make it as simple as possible and more and more user friendly. 
          I hope to achieve that one day! I am still learning about Operating Systems 
          and hope it would develop into a real Operating System. If you have any 
          suggestions or any thing you would like to share for [b]Magneto[/b] then
          <a href="file:///c:/Documents%20and%20Settings/Codemaster%20Snake/My%20Documents/my%20web/back/data/contactme.htm">
          Email Me</a>[/b]!.


          You can download Magneto's latest version from downloads section. Read 
          Magneto's release notes [b]
          <a href="file:///c:/Documents%20and%20Settings/Codemaster%20Snake/My%20Documents/my%20web/back/data/rnotes.htm">
          here</a>[/b]. [b]
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// This path points to the directory where phpBB is installed. Do
// not enter an URL here. The path must end with a trailing
// slash.
// Examples:
// forum in /aaa/bbb/ccc/ and script in /aaa/bbb/ccc/
// --> $phpbb_root_path = './';
// forum in /aaa/bbb/ccc/ and script in /aaa/bbb/
// --> $phpbb_root_path = './ccc/';
// forum in /aaa/bbb/ccc/ and script in /aaa/bbb/ddd/
// --> $phpbb_root_path = '../ccc/';

$phpbb_root_path = '../forums/';

// prevent hacking attempts - phpBB needs this line to work

define ('IN_PHPBB', true);

// lets make a little check if your root_path is correct ;-)

if (!file_exists($phpbb_root_path . ''))
	die ('<tt>[b]phpBB Fetch All:[/b]
		$phpbb_root_path is wrong and does not point to your forum.</tt>');

// now we include (integrate) some files which we need

// this is a phpBB file

include_once ($phpbb_root_path . '');

// again a phpBB file

include_once ($phpbb_root_path . 'common.' . $phpEx);

// phpBB file, too

include_once ($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/bbcode.' . $phpEx);

// well, this is 'our' file - the common Fetch All file needed
// every time you use Fetch All

include_once ($phpbb_root_path . 'mods/phpbb_fetch_all/common.' . $phpEx);

// since we are 'only' displaying some news we only need this one

include_once ($phpbb_root_path . 'mods/phpbb_fetch_all/posts.' . $phpEx);

// these lines will setup the phpBB session management which we need
// for proper security settings - just don't touch them unless you know
// what you are doing

$userdata = session_pagestart($user_ip, PAGE_INDEX);

// here we go: fetch some news!

$news = phpbb_fetch_posts(3,POST_FETCH_LAST);

// disconnect from the database


// Hint:
// If you are curious what's in the $news array
// --> uncomment the following line
// You will see all elements of the array along with
// their keys and values.

// echo ('<pre>'); print_r($news); die();


<table border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="border-collapse: collapse; font-family: Verdana; font-size: 8pt" width="100%" bordercolor="#5587B9">


// output all postings - this is the common method of displaying
// fetched data --> it is called a for() loop
// the for loop will go through every element of our result; thus
// it displays all entries
// an element will be displayed by
//     echo $news[$i]['topic_title'];
// which displays the topic title of the current posting of the loop

for($i = 0; $i < count($news); $i++)

<table border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" style="border-collapse: collapse; font-family: Verdana; font-size: 8pt" width="100%">

Title: [b]<font size="2"><?php echo $news[$i]['topic_title']; ?></font>[/b]
<td>Posted by
<a href="<?php echo append_sid($phpbb_root_path . 'profile.php?mode=viewprofile&amp;u=' . $news[$i]['user_id']); ?>">
<?php echo $news[$i]['username']; ?></a> on <?php echo $news[$i]['date']; ?> at <?php echo $news[$i]['time']; ?>

<hr color="#999999" width="70%" size="1">
<?php echo $news[$i]['post_text']; ?>
<hr color="#999999" width="70%" size="1">

<div align="right">(<?php echo $news[$i]['topic_replies']; ?>)
<a href="<?php echo append_sid($phpbb_root_path . 'viewtopic.php?t=' . $news[$i]['topic_id']); ?>">
Comment<?php if ($news[$i]['topic_replies'] != 1) { echo 's'; } ?></a></div>

<hr size="2">




Idon't know php programming really just experimenting with it.....

please help


Version 2.0
in fetch.php there should not be any blank line before <?php and after ?> make sure you remove blank lines before and after..

save then file and see if things are working or not..



Version 2.0
i dont see any other reason than emtpy spaces or displaying text after header() i.e. using echo or using html...

- Snake -

- Snake -

Broken In
Ok I don't know php programming much

But I think I have caught the bug....

i have created two files viz. index.php[url]

In index.php i have not included overall_header.php in the beginning whereas in index2.php i have done that.... and index.php now shows no error...

but i want to include overall_header file so what should I do....
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