Overclocking AMD Processors

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I have a 4200+ Windsor core
Motherboard : M2N MX - SE
Ram - 1 GB Dynet - 5-5-5-15 i think (screenshots posted)

Temp *C :- 37-38 normal / 42-43 on max load.

would love to overclock it a little bit without damaging.

im a noob at ocing..so if anyone can explain it in a few steps i would really appreciate it



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Choto Cheeta

OverClocking AMD or Intel is not so differnet, you may follow this thread...


for the process, basically u increase the BUS Speed interms you get higher clock speed, BUS X multiple = CPU SPeed... and while doing so some point you would need to increase the Vcore... :D

and I would say leave the RAMs alone.. these Value rams a really not worth to push :lol:
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