Cellsea - Professional Image Editing Online!!!
Web 2.0 is happening and applications are moving away from the traditional desktop to what is called a 'webtop'. I wanted to test a few online image editors, and I landed in a place called Cellsea. The interface is neat, well-organised and tools appear on the right panel. All normal tools can be accessed with the help of menus on the top. There are some effects, like Oil, Emboss, Contour, etc., and distortions like swim, ripple, curl available on the editing page. You can access them using their respective menus. The tool integrates with flickr, and you can upload your images to your flickr account from the 'Save' menu. You can also eMail your pictures to others using the same menu. The 'Crop' feature is good. Very handy at times! Worth an experiment or two.
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