OCR for formulae

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Aseem Nasnodkar

In the zone
I have scanned images of my Heat And Mass Transfer book.
There are lots of formulae in it.
I want to convert it into editable text.
How do I do that?
I am using Abby OCR. I get invalid characters after converting.
Are there any installable dictionaries that if used in the software will give me the needed conversions?


Cyborg Agent
OCR is tricky business !
never 100% reliable

try a different OCR soft:
Omniformat: *www.omniformat.com/download.html
you need to download Omniformat, pdf995 and OCR module, all three

PS: what book? incropera-dewitt?



you need the font library according to the book

just ionstall as much as libraries as you can

go !!!!


instead of scanning in a image, u try scanning it in a ms word / wordpad or notepad.
i hope it will serve your purpose
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