mount with normal user.....?

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El mooooo
prakash kerala said:
you should add ur local user's secondary groups as cdrom,games,usb etc
This will not help. Adding those additional groups just allows you to be able to use all those things i.e. read cdrom, play games, use USB etc.

To mount drives as normal user you need to put the option "user" in the related line of your /etc/fstab. For example: If I want to allow normal users to mount/unmount my cdrw drive then I have the following line in my /etc/fstab
/dev/hda                /mnt/cdrom       iso9660       noauto,rw,user           0   0

For more info, you should read "man 8 mount" and "man 5 fstab"


Right off the assembly line
or just set the UGID permission to the MOUNT command as a root user. (but be aware , in providing the mount facility to normal user........can be dangerous) [use man pages for further help]

man chmod

or else use the SUDO utility (see man pages)

man sudo


18 Till I Die............
Even adding umask=000 to that deviice's line in fstab helps. Though I don't have much idea how it works.


@eddie......yea that worked......thanx dood!
@dusvidani.....i was thinking of doing that what u said.......but wanted a solution from fstab only........neway thanx cautioning me.


El mooooo
tech_your_future said:
Even adding umask=000 to that deviice's line in fstab helps. Though I don't have much idea how it works.
It gives read/write/exec rights to all users on the partition.
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