in network of winxp pro i got errer..

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Logon failure: the user has not been granted the requested logon type at this computer

i do the following step but still problem..!!

System error 1385 has occurred - Logon failure: the user has not been granted the requested logon type at this computer

Symptoms: When using net use \\remotecomouter\ahredname, you may receive above message.

Resolution: The users do not have permission to connect to the remote computer. To resolve this problem: on the remote computer, select Administrative Tools>Local Security Settings>Local Policies>User Rights Assignment, right-click on Access this computer from the network>Properties>Add Users or Groups, add everyone or any users you want to be able to access the computer from the network.

in my network 5 Windows Xp pro is there

all are share files with each other except This pc

this pc is not access by other and other computer also not access by this pc..!!

so plese help me..!!


Mate you have provided the solution yourself.Did you try that out.As far as I can see its a user permissions problem.



you are right but how can re set it ..!!

i was not change any setting in this system ..

so now how can i share this system with other system..!!??


You may not have done it manually but check the below url for more as to why it happened.

Client, service, and program incompatibilities that may occur when you modify security settings and user rights assignments: *
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