:?: I want my mail box to be bigger...

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Broken In
Yahoo. com has announced that it provides 100 mb mail box
i already have an account in yahoo.co.in, is there any possibility to change it yahoo.com account ..so that mailbox ....is big :!:


Aspiring Novelist
well i suppose all the yahoo mail services have got auto upgraded which means that ur existing yahoo or yahoo.co.in account has been upgraded to 250MB itself.well that happened in my case atleast but if not u can create a yahoo a/c separately if you want to,to enjoy the additional services offered by yahoo for the mailbox.


Broken In
my mail box still stands 6mb tis not up graded
tis this mail account was created in year 2000 --
is age oldsnot upgraded??????


Wise Old Owl
if u need more space, use rediff-they give 1GB. spymac is not that good although it does give 1GB.
well i suppose all the yahoo mail services have got auto upgraded which means that ur existing yahoo or yahoo.co.in account has been upgraded to 250MB itself.well that happened in my case atleast but if not u can create a yahoo a/c separately if you want to,to enjoy the additional services offered by yahoo for the mailbox.
and allwyndlima, yahoo upgraded 3 100MB not 250MB


Cyborg Agent
lajs said:
my mail box still stands 6mb tis not up graded
tis this mail account was created in year 2000 --
is age oldsnot upgraded??????

click on options and account information , then edit the language & content setting to English - United states.

Log out and clear all cookies. Log back into ur account and voila u will have a bigger mail account.


Broken In
blade_runner... i can see only mail options in my inbox..
when i clicked it and checked my account information .....but there i could not see any language and content setting ..!

why is this so?????


You are right, there seem to be no way of changing the language / content once you signed up for a yahoo account. I created a new account for myself at yahoo with the Language / Content set to the default of United States. This gave me the 100 MB storage. I also created another account , this time with the Language / Content set to India. Guess what this new account gives only 6MB storage!


Aspiring Novelist
hey yup bud thats right sorry about the 250MB info thats wrong it is indeed 100MB but in my case it had been autoupgraded and yeah nemsis i do have a rediffmail a/c and its currently the best and fastest and is recommended to all users until google doesnt spill the beans.


da' Ťurntable ruleth
hey use this trick hold one end of the account and tell dad to hold the other end and pull it towards each otehr VOILA A NEW BIG EMAIL BOX


Broken In
hey if any one wants their mails addressed to yahoo inbox to be forwarded (to their rediff or any other gmail,spymac... email accounts ..)
they can do that by checking --yahoo delivers! option in yahoo


Broken In
need for space?

:cry: :cry: :cry: men........if u people r looking for more space then

why not read the topic in the forum :arrow: :arrow: :arrow: :arrow: :arrow: :arrow: :arrow: :arrow: 'forget 1 GB .. :!: !1 TB mail is here .


Broken In
youvegotpost.com is nice site to have email account ..no ads ,huge space...but if not active within 30 days---mail box get deleted


Cyborg Agent
sailendra said:
You are right, there seem to be no way of changing the language / content once you signed up for a yahoo account. I created a new account for myself at yahoo with the Language / Content set to the default of United States. This gave me the 100 MB storage. I also created another account , this time with the Language / Content set to India. Guess what this new account gives only 6MB storage!

Are you sure that u cant change the language and content to English USA. Cause i can change it.......


well, there is certainly no such option once you are signed up and selected your country as India. Where exactly is this option in your case?


Cyborg Agent
sailendra said:
well, there is certainly no such option once you are signed up and selected your country as India. Where exactly is this option in your case?


And i have a co.in account. Once u change these settings u immediately get a 100 Mb account instead of the 6 Mb one. Try it.


Cyborg Agent
That weird! cuz after Email information it shud display General Preferences which lists the language & content settings which can be changed. Can any1 else verify this. Sailendra u have posted only half a screenshot? the tab below the scrshot u posted is more important.
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