I have some queries.Guys is it true?1year warranty.

quan chi

mortal kombat
Guys i have bought a HD5770 now here are the details.

the most important situation is here what they told when i asked about the gurantee.
the guy at the shop told me all the cards arriving now only have 1year warranty now this one also have one year warranty.They say the warranty period have been reduced by all the companies.

Even i inquired about the nvidia GTX465 and got the same answer.

(But my earlier 8500GT had 1year warranty from the shop where i purchased it but had 3years warranty sticker on the box.That warranty service was also provided).

Here they say only one year warranty.

and most importantly how much gurantee period it offers.

already mail has been dispatched to all xfx,rashi, amd and that store also
If anybody is free kindly can he accompany me to that shop tomorrow.(mumbai persons)

What should i do kindly advise.


I think warranty depends upon the manufacturer of gfx card.. Try Zotac.. I think they give 2 years reseller + 3 years zotac warranty for a total of 5 yearsa
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