Giving Linux more space

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In the zone
I have a dual boot configuration. I want to give Linux more space. How am I supposed to do this.


In the zone
hmm. I mean, I can simply delete a partition on windows. Thats the easy part. How am I supposed to make that gained space usable in Linux?.

Satissh S

make note of the partition number, execute the following as root.
# mke2fs /dev/hda[partition_number]
# mkdir /mnt/hd_name
# mount /dev/hda[partition_number] /mnt/hd_name
add to fstab if u want.

There is a way to add to one of your home or other partitions if u desire which is adjacent to this partition, backup the data to somewhere and then umount /home (for example) and delete ur existing /home and make a new partition in fdisk and do the above ^^^ and update the filesystem information in fstab. (/etc/fstab)


left this forum longback
Install gparted gui and use any freespace to be merged to ur linux installtn.but u need to use a livecd or gparted live cd though....


In the zone
Thanks 4 the replies. I think the method Satish has given would format the windows partition into linux filesystem & would be available as a separate HD device if I get it right. I would be interested in merging more space with the / partition.

Satissh S

then.. u have to do so by booting into a livecd and doing a bit of work. u cant unmount the / partition in ur booted system :p


Wise Old Owl
That's right @Borg, 'mke2fs' creates a ext2/ext3 File System. For more info type:
$ man mke2fs

That will display the documentation for the 'mke2fs' command.
I always write to FAT32 or NTFS partitions if I want to ; that also gives Linux more
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