games that can be played by 7300?

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Hi ppl i am on tight budget n upgrade my graphics card for agp8x mobo.I think 7300 suits my budget.Can it play
2. Farcry
3. Doom3
4. Gta Sa
5. GEARS of War
6. Crysis?
Thanks whats difference between le,gt,ve versions?Thanks once again.


die blizzard die! D3?
1. FEAR-------------yes
2. Farcry------------yes
3. Doom3------------yes
4. Gta Sa------------yes
5. GEARS of War-----NOO00
6. Crysis?------------Are you crazy?


The Mighty Unkel!!!
Staff member
I have the same 7300GT card . I have played Far cry , Doom 3, FEAR with playable framerates on medium settings :) .. never tried GTA , Gears .. I will not think of running crysis on my system.


"The Cake is a Lie!!"
If you can get a 6800 or 6800GT AGP8x based on a NV40 Core and 256bit Memory Interface, it'll be almost as fast as a 7600!

These days, its cheaper. But you gotta Search :)
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