cn u hlp plz

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Right off the assembly line
cn u hlp me to programme ths in c "
1 accept a matrix n*n
2 consider each row take he min element in that row and sub with other elements in that row(if each row and colum has has 1 zero then assign a job)
3 then consider each col take the min elemnt in the columnand sub with all other elem in the column(if each row and colum has has 1 zero then assign a job)
4 cut the zero in the row and column by min no of lines
5 remainng ar taken and take the min ele and sub frm te remaining and if the lines are crossed+ this no are added to the min element and replaced in the corresponding position
6 assign the job


if each row and colum has has 1 zero then assign a job
i cant get this part about one zero in each row and column....why row and column? and what job....? a function you mean?
and cut the sms style pal.......explain the problem clearly...
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