Chewing Gum Text (Photoshop Tutorial)

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 Macboy
Here’s a tutorial to create some chewing gum like text.

Step 1: Create a new document, white background, any size. Type some text with the Horizontal type Tool with the colour #03C2FA

Step 2: Go to your blending options: Layer > Layer Style > Blending Options. Select Gradient Overlay.

Step 3: Then add an Outer Glow

Step 4: Select the text by holding down Ctrl and clicking on the Text Layer.

Step 5: Then Select your Rectangular Marquee Tool and by holding down Alt, drag over the bottom half to deselect it.

Step 6: While the top half of the text is selected, create a new layer (Ctrl+Shift+N). Then, Press D and then X to set your foreground colour to White.

Step 7: Select the Gradient Tool. Set the Gradient Picker to “foreground to transparent� and the gradient type as Linear. Then press Shift and drag from top of the text, to 75% of the WHOLE TEXT, slightly below the selection.

Step 8: Change the opacity of the New Layer to about 70%. That’s all!
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