C++ Compiler for vista Ultimate

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Born to rule....
Can anyone please tell me from where i can get a C++ compiler for Vista Ultimate. I have TurboC v3.0 but on compiling code in this compiler it's giving NVTDM error.

Also how can i take snapshots of executed code or output of code so that i can paste them in my project as output screens.

Thanks ....


I have Yolks not Brains!
Dex C++ is one of the best out there, and its free too!!!
Microsoft Visual C++ is what I use, I love it.

And to take screenshot just go to Accessories >>Snipping Tool and take the screenshot!!!


left this forum longback
turbo c is so obsolete and not following ansi/iso standards...I think you should go for Dev-C++


I have Yolks not Brains!
Dev C++ is not good for large projects, it'll give faulty output.....Microsoft C++ is the best...........


I have Yolks not Brains!
^^Nah. The same code works for fine Microsoft C++ , and it has too as as its logically correct but for some reason it wont work in Dev C++, the exact same code!!!


18 Till I Die............
Well it wasn't correct as per standards, cos you can't assign an array as
a=0 without initialising i.

For those wondering what this is all about, check *www.thinkdigit.com/forum/showthread.php?t=79686
See you just declared i as auto variable. Check the property of auto variable, if it's not initialised then it sets a garbage value. You have given it some value in main, but it's scope is restricted within main(), not available outside of it. So, since your i contains a garbage value, it will set a[garbage_value]=0 which may not be within your array limit.
So, going by C standards, it's not the compiler but you who's wrong. It seems the other compilers are default to 0 if the variable isn't initialised, and that's wrong for auto. Automatic and register if not initialised give garbage values whereas static and external default 0.
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Born to rule....
I visited Bloodshed Software website...there i found that Dev C++ 5 is in beta version and also in system requirements section, Vista wasn't mentioned there. Only 95/98/NT/2000/Xp were mentioned. Will it work on Vista Ulitmate..???

Snapshot attached....

What to do now ...???:confused:


I have Yolks not Brains!
Well it wasn't correct as per standards, cos you can't assign an array as
a=0 without initialising i.

For those wondering what this is all about, check *www.thinkdigit.com/forum/showthread.php?t=79686
See you just declared i as auto variable. Check the property of auto variable, if it's not initialised then it sets a garbage value. You have given it some value in main, but it's scope is restricted within main(), not available outside of it. So, since your i contains a garbage value, it will set a[garbage_value]=0 which may not be within your array limit.
So, going by C standards, it's not the compiler but you who's wrong. It seems the other compilers are default to 0 if the variable isn't initialised, and that's wrong for auto. Automatic and register if not initialised give garbage values whereas static and external default 0.

I didnt even post any code and you are already analyzing it!!!!
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18 Till I Die............
I didnt even post any code and you are already analyzing it!!!!
Cos your comment in the same thread proves how much you know *www.thinkdigit.com/forum/showpost.php?p=747783&postcount=10

So, before you ask me, let me rationalise my statements
This is your quote from that thread
This segmentation faults had driven me mad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!The the worst thing is that it won't even point where's the problem. Just Segmentation Fault.Nothing else.
Firstly, it's not a compiler's job to point the problem, it's the job of a debugger. If you expect compiler to do it, then you're wrong.
Even when you just type the ditto prog,thats in the book..this occurs, because of a simple mistake, which could've been pinpointed.
You know there can be mistakes in the text book too. You relied on text book but never tried to find out the cause of the happening.
As they say 'Bad workmen blame their tools'. I am worse off then you people when writing codes but atleast I have semblence of an idea of what I am doing.
Still if you want to know about what was going wrong, post your codes here we can try to help. I know very basic usage of GDB and can help you out with it if you're interested.

I visited Bloodshed Software website...there i found that Dev C++ 5 is in beta version and also in system requirements section, Vista wasn't mentioned there. Only 95/98/NT/2000/Xp were mentioned. Will it work on Vista Ulitmate..???

Snapshot attached....

What to do now ...???:confused:
Don't go for anything that's unmaintained. It's better to go for something that maintained, like VC++ or else see if gcc4 is supported with Relo,prolly Zeeshan should have some idea. GCC is available with mingw for windows *www.mingw.org/download.shtml
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try using Notepad++ as the editor.
then install MinGW and use its GCC.
hardcore unix style.

but as you are on windows vista ultimate, only genuine paid microsoft software can impress you. so buy MS Visual Studio 2008 IDE.


Born to rule....
I installed Dev C++ and when i compiled my program it gave me so many errors and on the other hand when i am compiling same code in Turboc3 in XP, its compiling without giving any single error/warning.:!:

I'm downloading MS Visual Studio 2008 Express edition from Microsoft.com. I think it's free...???:?:


I installed Dev C++ and when i compiled my program it gave me so many errors and on the other hand when i am compiling same code in Turboc3 in XP, its compiling without giving any single error/warning.:!:

I'm downloading MS Visual Studio 2008 Express edition from Microsoft.com. I think it's free...???:?:

what error you got?i think u installed it w/o mingw !try installing with mingw.even i got errors but its working fine now.


Legen-wait for it-dary!
Yeah its free all right. Get it and run your program. You might need to change your program a little bit to compile it, but it'll work all right.


I have Yolks not Brains!
Firstly, it's not a compiler's job to point the problem, it's the job of a debugger. If you expect compiler to do it, then you're wrong.
So!!! The end result is that it doesn't pinpoint the mistake!! I'm not blaming anyone. It just drives me mad to find out the mistake, thats what I'm saying!![/QUOTE]
You know there can be mistakes in the text book too.
Really?? I never knew that!!!

See you just declared i as auto variable. Check the property of auto variable, if it's not initialised then it sets a garbage value. You have given it some value in main, but it's scope is restricted within main(), not available outside of it. So, since your i contains a garbage value, it will set a[garbage_value]=0 which may not be within your array limit.
So, going by C standards, it's not the compiler but you who's wrong. It seems the other compilers are default to 0 if the variable isn't initialised, and that's wrong for auto. Automatic and register if not initialised give garbage values whereas static and external default 0.
And whats this for!!!

Still if you want to know about what was going wrong, post your codes here we can try to help.
Its not neccesary as the code is cent percent correct and it's giving correct output in VC++, but not in Dev C++. Thats what I'm telling you!!!
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Code::Blocks is too good.. It uses MinGW as compiler by default.. however, you can use almost anything else that you have installed...


Runs well in Vista

And about the screenshot, are you doing a Graphics project?? Otherwise, PrintScreen should work fine...

Else, run it in VMWare and take screenshots.. :D


18 Till I Die............
So!!! The end result is that it doesn't pinpoint the mistake!! I'm not blaming anyone. It just drives me mad to find out the mistake, thats what I'm saying!!
Use a debugger and find the mistake, that's a routine part of programming.

Its not neccesary as the code is cent percent correct and it's giving correct output in VC++, but not in Dev C++. Thats what I'm telling you!!!
Show the code and we'll know, either could be wrong. It could be a programming error on programmer's part as we've seen in the other thread or it could be compiler error. But, it can't be verified till we don't see the code.


Pawned!... Beyond GODLIKE
^^ EGGMAN give MEHUL our 50 pages long program and lets see if he understands a single function we hav created.

^^ EGGMAN give MEHUL our 50 pages long program and lets see if he understands a single function we hav created. :mrgreen:

^^ EGGMAN give MEHUL our 50 pages long program and lets see if he understands a single function we hav created. :mrgreen:
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