Asus "cheapset fan" rattles on

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Cyborg Agent
I've heard of many documented cases of asus a8ne chipset fans being faulty, but never imagined that I would be affected too. I just can't bear this intermittent loud rattling noise from the chipset fan. It's usual speed is around 7K rpm and chipset temp at 32deg (night time). Now it dips to 900rpm from 2000rpm with the chipset at 41deg.
Stupid asus, fitting a good mobo with cheap parts.
I posted this to ask if I will void warranty if I apply some oil to the fan. And has anyone else been bit by this cheap plastic fan?
No oil please :lol: . These things are designed to run unlubricated. You'll end up encouraging dust buildup by applying lubes. Get a replacement fan.



In the zone
get the fan replaced..
take it to the service center ... abuse them.... trust abusing them really helps... gets your work done fater..
the fan will stop working after some days..
i got it replaced .. strange thing is that the replacement was on the same size as the previous fan.. but it runs at 9k rpm and touches 10k easily..... the previous fan used to run at 8k... so i dunno how much time would this fan last.. but the thing is this fan is running quieter than the previous one .i`m flumoxed.. but well i`m happy its running..

anyways.. try to get the replacement....


Cyborg Agent
I couldn't find a place to oil coz it's so timy. Anyways, the rattling stopped suddenly and the fan returned to its normal rpm. I don't knoe, it kinda happened suddenly. But then after a day, it started again. No hope left. Thanks guys, I just have to replace the fan, i suppose.

PS: I am happy to see that I am not the only one who tried to oil the little fan. Googles full of those people. But all said oiling reuires u to lift the label off which voids warranty. Thanks to google.


get those CRC cans...just remove the fan sticker and spray it inside the bearing.....

it wont get oily or dusty or any of the stuff....
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