are pc gamers better of than console gamers?

Best Gaming Platform..CONSOLE or PC?

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count vercula

Right off the assembly line
frankly speaking i tried playing fifa 2004 (the game sucks!) ,with a belkin console at r-world, and i got all the shots wrong, also i wonder if the ps2 freaks and xbox idiots target correctly with da analogue sticks in fps and tps.


Once you get control over the analog, then console are the best.
If u dont, still then its fun in console(and the vibration in ps2)


Core i7 (nehalem) Owner
yup u r rite Sneha!

the feel of analog vibration is jus gr8 but hey how come girls joining the forum han !! neways its good that even girls r getting sum GYAAN of games.. :wink:

Me myself own a PS2 and a GAMING PC and being a 2nd year engineering student, after finishing my (ooh so boring) studies, i do take sum time (4 hrs) to play my games on a broadband connection with PC...

But all the guys here will agree that PC controls a best for NOVICES !! RITE GUYS !! let me hear u scream !

cheers n peace.....


Broken In
ashu888ashu888 said:
yup u r rite Sneha!

the feel of analog vibration is jus gr8 but hey how come girls joining the forum han !! neways its good that even girls r getting sum GYAAN of games.. :wink:


a girl comes in and you go WINK WINK !

dumbass ! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

and yeah PC controls rock man ! awesome !

waise have u got a mod chip for yur PS2 ???


Wise Old Owl
Not this debate again! PC gamers will never agree that console controllers are good and vice-versa. It depends on what you get used to. I am myself a PC gamer and I love the keyboard+mouse combo but there's no denying that certain games are better played on consoles. The best example of games that work better on consoles are action games such as Soul Calibur, Devil May Cry, Mortal Kombat and all those RPG games that are in such abundance on the PS2 platform ;). Those would be literally unplayable on computers. Even most sports games work better on consoles. However, the one genre that I feel sucks on consoles is the FPS genre. I simply cannot play FPSes on consoles. The keyboard+mouse combo rules as far as FPSes go. Even third person shooters feel better on a PC. Racing games are debatable. In NFSU, I drive better with my keyboard than I do with a PS2 controller :D


Right off the assembly line
pc is the easiest and the superb tye of gaming u wont get the exact type of graphics frm a x-box or ps.


u just possibly compare the 2..try shooting a running object in a console...but at the same time try(imagine) playing a wrestling or mortal kombat in ur pc..


Dark Overlord !!!
For me PC controls r always better than Console controls in FPS and Action genre games..but consoles r always better 4 games like Mortal Combat, POP which needs various combinations of keyboard strokes and mouse combos....for these types the Consoles stays at top on the basis of comfortability..... but the fact is tht the consoles r always future proof coz the games tht r released 4 a particular console will definitely be playable on it at the highest qual and the max smoothness possible... but for PCs...thrs always a need 2 upgrade exists .. the best gfx card card today is always replaced by its future sibling...and the oncoming PC games always try to match the latest hardware available.


Senior Member

PC gaming is expensive as it requires frequent hardware upgrades.

consoles in india are not a feasible option because of the difficulty to get games for them.
but b/w the 2, i'd stick with the PC.


In the zone
me 2 using both pc n a xbox

there r no 2 opinions on the issue of where the FPSs play better . doom3 on the pc is unmatchable 2 that on the xbox . this due 2 the k/b - mouse combo n whole lot better graphics

having said that cant imagine playing burnout 3 or 4 that matter dead or alive : ultimate , on ne thing else but the console . the force feedback the moves the controls ...... no dude pc cant match that

choose the genre , n then take the dip

n d00d , a gamer is a gamer is a gamer . u cant compare the 2


Hanging, since 2004..
nothing to discuss and argue about really. it depends on the type of game being played

I can beat myself in nfsug2 while playing with my rumblepad compared to playin with kb/mouse

similarly in case of fps like halflife2/doom3 a kb/mouse combo will be my choice. joypad/joystick sucks in case of fps .

played fifa2004/nfsug2 on a sony ps2 like vibration usb controller rocks

Ashwin Saxena

Console gaming is more fun than PC gaming.
Yeah thats true.
Becuse u dont need to remember keys.
And every new game today release for consoles first.


Wise Old Owl
Ashwin Saxena said:
Console gaming is more fun than PC gaming.
Yeah thats true.
Becuse u dont need to remember keys.
And every new game today release for consoles first.

You still need to remember which button does what on the controller ;)

And no, every new game does NOT release on consoles first although a fair number of games release simultaneously. DOOM III and Half-Life 2 are good examples of games that came to the PC first.


sushir said:
ashu888ashu888 said:
yup u r rite Sneha!

the feel of analog vibration is jus gr8 but hey how come girls joining the forum han !! neways its good that even girls r getting sum GYAAN of games.. :wink:


a girl comes in and you go WINK WINK !

dumbass ! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:



Hanging, since 2004..
sushir said:
ashu888ashu888 said:
yup u r rite Sneha!

the feel of analog vibration is jus gr8 but hey how come girls joining the forum han !! neways its good that even girls r getting sum GYAAN of games.. :wink:


a girl comes in and you go WINK WINK !

dumbass ! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

and yeah PC controls rock man ! awesome !

waise have u got a mod chip for yur PS2 ???

I think u shud reconsider ur statement....edit


Well, PC games differ in graphics. But i think this is not the case with console. Console games r created for console configuration which is same 4 all console(for ex-ps2). So graphics wont differ a lot. Even if a new game arrives ,it has almost same graphics. This is not the case with the PCs,newer n newer games arrive with newer graphics 4 different configs. So i like PC games rather then a console.

Ashwin Saxena

Delpiero said:
sushir said:
ashu888ashu888 said:
yup u r rite Sneha!

the feel of analog vibration is jus gr8 but hey how come girls joining the forum han !! neways its good that even girls r getting sum GYAAN of games.. :wink:


a girl comes in and you go WINK WINK !

dumbass ! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


I think you are not in mind or just dont know what are you saying.
Use appropriate language.


well due it depends upon ths user

my vote goes to pc games coz i like keb+mic

i relly like to drag that chuha on the pad

console games..console gamers like but i like pc games
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