AMD 64-bit

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Right off the assembly line
hi guys
i want to buy a desktop with the fastest speed where i can run most of the software ..whether that graphics driven heavily..
so currently i am focussed on AMD Athlon 64-bit can any body guide me which Motherboard i should go for this ..
what will be the best combination of AMD-64 terms of cost and quality(fastest speed,less bottelnecks)..both..
pls respond..


Right off the assembly line
amd a 64 3000+
msi rs480m2
1 gb ddr ram
geforce 6600GT
seagate sata barracuda 7200 160GB
sony DVD+-r/rw
liteon cd-rw
antec power supply(nonbudget)/VIP(budget)
antec super lanboy(nonbudget)/i-box(budget)
logitech/microsoft combo(wired/wireless)
speakers of your choice
Acer AF715(monitor)
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