Again, The Apple Trademark Dispute - This Time the iPod Touch

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Ambassador of Buzz
Remeber the case between Apple and Cisco over the “iPhone” trademark? Well, Here is is again and this time for the “Touch”.. the iPod Touch and the HTC touch. One side HTC with the Microsoft and the HTC touch and on the other side you have the Apple with the iPod Touch.

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Readermaniax - You've crossed the limits by these repeated news posts to get hits to a particular website. Please think over this and decide what your real aim is from these news post on digit forums. Do you want forum members to get the news directly or browse a website laden with ads to get it?

These news post on the forum can't even be termed snippets. They're themselves adapted from other websites. Basically what you're doing is just telling visitors, hey this is a news story title and for more info read this website. Whatever you're posting can be published in totality in the forum. We've lots of space on the digit servers. They are not even 10 lines and more than a couple of images.

Every news you post links back to the same website which is a total misuse. You've got away for all this while. But that has to stop now. You can continue posting news and link to official web sources. The website in question would no longer be allowed to be linked directly every single time as news source.

The decision to allow/disallow a particular source link rests with the mods and admins. It's not up for debate. Similar posts will be deleted in the future.

Thread locked. If you've any problems with this decision, please contact the admins.
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