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  1. M

    anyone coming to gtug and merawindows launch party?

    win7 launch party sukd! .. was more like a family party.. n kinda lame!
  2. M

    Need Help With This CODE of Data Structure(Binary TREE).

    when u recursively call a function, for every unknown value, the expression is pushed into a virtual stack.. this continues till it encounters the final value of the tree (array in ur case). now, it substitutes this value in the top expression in stack and pops it and this value in turn is used...
  3. M

    Solve the given C Puzzle

    #include<stdio.h> main() { int i,a[10]; printf("\nenter a number\n"); scanf("%d",&a[0]); a[1]=a[0];a[2]=0; for(;a[1]>0;i++) {a[2]=a[2]*10+a[1]%10; a[1]/=10; } a[3]=0; for(i=2;i<a[0]/2;i++) {if(a[0]%i==0) a[3]=1; }...
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